Day 320 : Friday

Countdown Day 49

steps 2540
weight 183

Breakfast – potato and egg
Lunch – 2 slices pizza
Dinner – pulled pork sandwich and onion rings
Snacks – peanut butter, cheetos, banana, cheese

As expected, a day of fasting, brought the weight down 4 pounds from yesterday's scale reading. Most of that is probably water burning off, but it still feels good. And yes, I woke up at 6:30, with plenty of energy and ready to go. I really wasn't any hungrier than yesterday morning, and was considering fasting for another day until Gina got up and cooked breakfast of taters and eggs.

Back to Bernie's again this morning, but no snacking! I'm down to 183 and I need to keep the momentum going.

I'm not getting much walking in lately, just worked on Bernie's camper today and down to the harbor with Gina for barbecue at BreakwallBarbecue.
A bit too much food today, felt bloated when I went to bed.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

49 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 319 : Thursday

Countdown Day 50

steps 4307
weight 187

Breakfast – zero
Lunch – zero
Dinner – zero
Snacks – 3 glasses of wine

up at 5:30. Yep, about a pound and a half piled on last night. And for the record, I've got that tight muscle in the left armpit feeling again. Probably a cream cheese caramel floating through my veins. Most of the afternoon and evening I had a toothache in my upper left jaw. No specific tooth, just to ache.

It's going to be tough, but no food today. Zero, just water. Tough because it's back to Bernie's this morning and dinner with friends tonight.

Also took the car in Erie for its 37,000 mile checkup today, oil change and tire rotation.

Well, I pulled it off. I made it all day without any solid food. It's really not as hard as it sounds. Basically you if you make it past your first habitual eating time, like breakfast, it stabilizes into an even sense of hunger that you get used to.

As with most things once you hit the halfway mark, incentive to stick to it increases. Even now, the next morning as I write this, I'm thinking that I'm not any hungrier then this time yesterday.
Like most things in life, your body adapts, and it's only your brain that screws it up.
It's time for breakfast, I should eat something”, etc., etc. But as long as you keep hydrated, your system will simply keep burning stored energy, i.e. fat. That's why your heavy in the first place, your system stores fat for when it's needed, but it's never needed because in modern America, we always eat way more than we need.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

50 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 318 : Wednesday

Countdown Day 51

steps 3795
weight 185+

Breakfast – potato and egg
Lunch – soup with rice
Dinner – chicken soup
Snacks – she does, apple slices with cream cheese and caramel, brownie, 3 dinner rolls

Up at 5, fed most of the cats, all but Wheezer so far. Button seems be hanging around more everyday.

Weight dropped finally, not that I made much of an effort, just did more physical work than usual yesterday. Proof once again that if you get off your ass, so will the fat.

I managed to get the grass cut, and helped get more stuff ready for Gina's operation on Monday. Then at 2 headed to Linda's to chat and look at a door that needed repaired. Then finally over the Tim's at 4:30 to fix a heater.

After that we went over to Laura's for domino's, and I pretty much tossed Diet 1 out the window for the evening. She of course had a great food spread, any item of which would blow my diet out for a whole day, and I had all but the baked potatoes, probably the least fattening thing there.

Simply put, I started on Cheetos, when I walked through the door, and didn't stop eating until I left, three hours later.
I got home at 9:30, bloated, tired and out of energy. By the time I had a shower, the carbs knocked me out for the night.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

51 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 317 : Tuesday

Countdown Day 52

steps 5686
weight 187

Breakfast –
Lunch – double cheeseburger at Wendy's
Dinner – stir fry
Snacks – Cheetos, almonds

Up at 4:30. I was so out of it from heavy carb intake yesterday, that I was in bed by 10.
At least my weight held at 187, but I've got to start pushing it down again. I've got just a bit more than 7 weeks to drop 17 lbs. That's 2 ½ lbs. a week now, and that's getting into hard core dieting. Something that is tough to do for any length of time.

Well, back to Bernie's camper today. I pulled the shower, toilet and sink, then got the back wall put back together.

I realized in the evening that I missed another doctor's appointment with the VA. I've got to get a good alarm setup on the cell phone.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

52 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 316 : Monday

Countdown Day 53

steps 6173
weight 187

Breakfast – Orange
Lunch – 1 slights pizza
Dinner – beef patty and gravy
Snacks – doughnut, popcorn, almonds, crackers, chocolate wafer bar

Up at 5:30. It's 55° outside and I'm paying for the overindulgence of Saturday and Sunday. Actually, I've been slipping for a week or 2 now. I've got to quit procrastinating.

More snacking at Bernie's today, but not as bad.
Of course, Gina got stressed out after a day of talking to the doctors, so I took her out for a doughnut in the evening.
I did actually look at the calorie counts of the different doughnuts, point was that I should not have even looked at them, let alone eat one.
Topped tonight off with a bowl of popcorn.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

53 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 315 : Sunday

Countdown Day 54

steps 4552
weight 185

Breakfast –
Lunch – eggs, sausage, pasta salad, bacon, through
Dinner – when sliced pizza
Snacks – ice cream, string beans, peanut butter

Up at 5:30 AM, and it's getting cooler outside. 48° this morning. The plants are mostly in for the winter and were thinking about firing up one of the heaters, just to break the chill.

Today we did a brunch on the Victorian Princess, small paddle wheel replica, as we cruised around Erie harbor. It was a beautiful day, perfect for a day out. Perfect temperature, no wind and sunny.

Afterwards we checked out 2 lighthouses, and had a cone at Sara's in PresqueIsle. We got home about 4 PM and I passed out for couple hours on the deck, with a cat in my lap.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

54 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 314 : Saturday

Countdown Day 55

steps 7343
weight 185

Breakfast –
Lunch – 4 slices of pizza
Dinner – stir fry
Snacks – 2 slices of pizza, pretzels, peanut butter, nuts

Up at 5:30 AM. Gina was up to with her knee causing too much pain to sleep.

My weight is bouncing around 185, up and down and up. I was bothered about it at first, but then I remembered going through this same thing at 190, 195 and 200.

Mentally, I seem to focus on those 5 pound marks and get a bit frustrated when I stall out a bit. Then I finally get past them for good and move down to the next. By my next weigh-in at VA, I'll be passed the 185 mark and fussing about the180 pound mark on my scale. But I'll still be looking back at 20+ pounds gone forever, and that's something to smile about.

Off to my brother Frank's to help him re-roof his garage today. With 6 of us working it went fast, and by 2 PM we were rolling out the base layer for the new roof. If he'd done the self stick roofing 7 years ago, instead of sculptured shingles, we wouldn't be doing a new roof now. Like many people, the last time he was more concerned with looks than use.

Anyway, I got lots of much-needed exercise and was feeling it by the end of the day.
I almost completely forgot about Died 1, although the thoughts did pop in at different points.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

55 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 313 : Friday

Countdown Day 56

steps 11361
weight 185

Breakfast – 1 egg and potatoes
Lunch – egg salad sandwich
Dinner – stir fry
Snacks – banana, cheese, nuts, crackers, ice cream, peanut butter, cream, beans

Up at 5:30 AM and a quick walk to the gas station for coffee, then out to the deck. I gave up cereal in the morning, it was just too many carbs. It just gives me a slow start in the morning. I had an egg and home fries with Gina on the deck.

Then over to Bernie's, to mess with his camper more.

And back to the house to help Gina move plants in for the winter and re-potting a couple of the bigger ones. Re-potting the cactus's was fun.
I got lots of walking in and help burn off some of the junk I ate at Bernie's, but I still felt heavy.

I also finalized this penny story that was it for the day.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

56 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 312 : Thursday

Countdown Day 57

steps 6033
weight 184
VA weight 186.7

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – one half egg salad sandwich
Dinner –
Snacks – almonds, pretzels, and way too many doughnuts

Well the 190 lb. barrier is in the past, and now it's 185 lbs.
As always, I procrastinate, thinking there is always more time, but I have 57 days to get down to 170, and considering going past that to165 or 160.

When I look down and I still see the bulge in my stomach, but the 20+ pounds I lost already are showing in other ways. I seldom notice my hip anymore, and the neuropathy in my right foot seems to be diminishing.

Most people tend to forget that the problems they have in life, come on slowly, over many years, and they sometimes take just as long to go away.

You don't gain 40 pounds, and all the health problems it brings overnight. You spent years loading up that weight, and your body has spent years trying to deal with it and slowly failing. So taking a year to lose it with Diet 1 is actually quite fast. But perceptually it's slow enough that you don't notice.
Not until a friend asks if you've got a new hairstyle or you happen to compare photos from last year, when you started Diet 1.

Like me, you may at various points, notice that this pain or that is not there anymore or doesn't seem as bad. You might notice you are moving about more, not to get exercise, but just because you can.

Today I helped Bernie out with his camper again, and started on a long day of snacking, carrying it right through to doughnuts with my Erie writers group in the evening.

Gina's knee is getting worse and she is counting the days until the new one, October 3rd. And I got a haircut today, finally. A bit short, but it will be good until spring.

Also jotted down new kid story this morning “Penny”, about a girl who gets famous pitching pennies.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

57 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 311 : Wednesday

Countdown Day 58

steps 6129
weight 185

Breakfast – about an ounce of pasta
Lunch – 1 plain hot dog
Dinner –
Snacks – popcorn, ice cream

I was surprised to see my weight up again, but that's why I like to see the official scale at the VA every 2 weeks. Weighing myself on various scales, particularly the cheap one in Springfield, can offer false hope and give me the incentive to slack off on Diet 1. Something I'm always in the mood for.

Today I did pretty good, with an 11 mile bike ride, with Bernie at PresqueIsle in Erie, Pennsylvania. Only the 2nd time I've been on a bike this year. Finished the day with a walk on the beach, around 7 PM. Gina did the boardwalk and I did about half of it in the sand.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

58 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 310 : Tuesday

Countdown Day 59

steps 4553
weight 183

Breakfast – banana and cereal
Lunch – 1 burger patty
Dinner – 1 large burger patty
Snacks – popcorn, ice cream

Up at 5:30 AM and off to McDonald's for a large coffee ( prices are back up to $1.39).
Then over to the reservoir for sunrise. Got to watch a couple of dear at the entrance, probably because I was the first one there.

I've been noticing that leaves are beginning to fall, and a lot faster than my weight.

Most of my problem is boredom. At several points during the day, I simply get bored with whatever I'm doing and sit down, turn on some mindless entertainment and snack.
Almost like 9-to-5 folks or housewives stuck with the kids.

There are things I would like to do, but because of where I am at the moment, they're not possible. That I think is the irony of TV, radio, video games and cell phones. They are a too easy substitute for the life you want, but haven't energy or the will power to go after.

Got more mud work done and checked out the furnace for another winter. And as usual, I got antsy today to be back in Conneaut. So I cleaned things up and hit the road by 7:30 and I was back in Conneaut before midnight.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

59 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 309 : Monday

Countdown Day 60

steps 4975
weight 183

Breakfast – banana and cereal
Lunch – 1 burger patty
Dinner – 1 burger patty
Snacks – 2 bowls popcorn

Up at 5 AM and off to McDonald's for coffee.

Well, I've got 2 months to go, and still going down slowly. Kind of slipped with 2 burger patties yesterday, should've had just one at each meal, but honestly I didn't even think about it it at the time. I've spent a lifetime eating 2 or more of whatever, and it's a hell of a mindset to brake. That's why Diet 1 is a 12 month plan.

I barely got out today, mudded drywall all day and I built a closet. I also spent a bit too much time watching TV. I did manage to start today, down at the reservoir, watching the sun come up. I also got some interesting spiderweb photos.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

60 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 308 : Sunday

Countdown Day 61

steps 4447
weight 184

Breakfast – banana and cereal
Lunch – 2 burger patties
Dinner – 2 burger patties
Snacks – popcorn

Up at 8, slept in again, but full of energy and working on house  before coffee is ready.
Wired kitchen and closet lights, and hooked up bathroom lights. Got all the drywall up except for closet, and started taping.

Down a pound since yesterday.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

61 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 307 : Saturday

Countdown Day 62

steps 5983
weight 185

Breakfast – one half order biscuits and gravy
Lunch – banana and cereal
Dinner – to burger patties
Snacks – popcorn, 1 pint ice cream

Up at 7:30, slept in. Just enough time to shower and relax before Mike gets here to go out for breakfast and pick up drywall for the house.

I was right about too many snacks yesterday, scale was up a pound today. Now I have to knock it back down again.

Mike came over about 8:30 and we picked up 12 sheets of drywall and loaded them into the house, then went out for breakfast. I splurged with a half order of biscuits and gravy, which seemed a bit much, actually.

Then I spent the day getting 8 of those sheets up on the walls. I also installed the light and vent for the bathroom. Finished up about 2 AM.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

62 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 306 : Friday

Countdown Day 63

steps 6334
weight 184

Breakfast – burrito
Lunch – 1 large hamburger patty
Dinner –
Snacks – 2 bowls popcorn, 1 pint ice cream

Up at 4:30, nice and cool in the mornings. But I miss not having a nice spot to relax and write. At 6:30 AM I'm here at the reservoir enjoying the park, watching the sun come up and smiling at the thought that in 65 years on this planet I have only sat in rush-hour traffic, maybe a dozen times, and most of those I was traveling not going to work!

Diet 1 took a little bit of a hit today, with too much popcorn and way too much ice cream.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

63 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 305 : Thursday

Countdown Day 64

steps 7824
weight 184

Breakfast – burrito
Lunch – banana and cereal
Dinner –
Snacks – popcorn, ice cream

Up at 5 AM and scale says I'm down to 184, a new low, but I don't really trust it. I'll keep going and plan on being 180 or less on the next VA weigh-in.

It's still hot down here, but it's September and the nights and mornings are cool. I got the main petition wallop him back apartment in wired up the bedroom light.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

64 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 304 : Wednesday

Countdown Day 65

steps 8548
weight 187

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – lentil soup
Dinner –
Snacks – cereal, ice cream

I was up at 4 AM, had coffee and started moving ceiling light in back apartment. Had to get in the ceiling to pull some wires.

At 10 AM I had to take cart to local Mitsubishi dealer to look at the check engine light. Now I'm just working on the blog while I wait to find out what's going on. After about only 20 min. they came out and told me, it was just a loose gas cap. Newer cars may be a lot more dependable, but they sure are sensitive.

Back home, I got ice shield on the back roof and also installed the living room and back porch lights.

Had a short drizzly rain about noon, the rest of the day it was in the 80s and steamy.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

65 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!