Day 329 : Sunday

Countdown Day 40

steps 8383
weight 184

Breakfast –
Lunch – 2 eggs, sausage, peanut butter
Dinner – one half ham and cheese sandwich, small salad and role
Snacks – ice cream, small muffin

Up at 5:30 am, and fed cats.

Down a pound from yesterday, walking help and I'm gonna walk to the hospital again today, even though the hips a little sore from yesterday.

I walked in the morning, but drove to the hospital in the evening.
I spent most of today just hibernating. Mostly glued to the computer, bidding on broken phones. I want to upgrade to a Samsung GS 5 for the better camera, but they are still about 200 bucks new. I got 2 off eBay with cracked screens for $75. I can use one as is, while I hunt for a bad phone with a good screen to switch out parts.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

40 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 328 : Saturday

Countdown Day 41

steps 9200
weight 185

Breakfast –
Lunch – sausage and egg
Dinner – one half tuna sandwich
Snacks – ice cream, cookies, nuts, apple

Up at 6 am and going back down on the scale.
Next weigh in at the VA is Thursday, and I want to show 180 pounds or less.

I spent most of the day on the couch or visiting Gina. Read a book.
It rained in the morning, so I decided to blow off work under the deck.

I did manage to slow down on the snacking, and actually walked to the hospital for Gina's evening visit, just over a mile each way.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

41 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 327 : Friday

Countdown Day 42

steps 4719
weight 186

Breakfast – sausage and egg
Lunch – 2 bowls of noodles
Dinner –
Snacks – ice cream, cookies, one half apple

Up at 3 am. Pippi got me up and I was still aggravated about yesterday, so I was up for the day.

I picked up another pound yesterday, not good. I've been using Gina's problems and other things, as an excuse to ignore Diet 1. Luckily, after almost 11 months, many parts of Diet 1 are habit, including, thinking about it. So even when I'm out of control on the food front, there are still some things holding the line, at least a little bit.

Most of the problem is just procrastination, putting it all off to the last second. I'm now to the point that I have to lose 3 pounds a week, right up to the end, to hit my 170 pound mark. Ignore the fact that if I'd done that, at beginning, Diet 1 would have hit its goal in 3 months instead of 12.
But I have to remind myself that the long stretch was to the change behavior, not just chop a lot of weight. Any crash diet could drop 30 pounds in a few months, or even a few weeks, but they would not change the habits that put that extra weight on, and will allow it to come back.

Following Diet 1 for a year, makes many of it's diet rules part of your life.

I spent most of today working under the deck, removing sheeting and Styrofoam installation, so I can install hot water lines to heat the floor. I need to get it done before the weather really turns to shit.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

42 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 326 : Thursday

Countdown Day 43

steps 3894
weight 185

Breakfast – Gina's leftover omelette
Lunch – leftover beef stroganoff
Dinner –
Snacks – doughnuts, banana, pretzels, cheese, peanut butter

Up at 6 am. Held the scaled down to 185, barely. I slept a full 8 hours last night.

It's just for the record, my left eye still is mattering a bit after getting crud from the rotten joist demolition in it on Tuesday. Tuesday evening I actually pulled a small bug out of my eye, about twice the size of a flee.

Well, a very wasted day. I spent literally the whole day, 8 hours, sitting with Gina in her hospital room, packed up and waiting to leave. More precisely, waiting for her Doctor to stop by in his busy day, getting paid more than both of us put together ever did.
First, we sat there from 8 AM till noon, waiting for him to show up, just to say okay, and slap his signature on a form. At 12:30, he finally did, but it was the wrong form, or wrong place on the form. He was obviously too busy to pay attention, and of course too busy to call back, or find for another 3 or 4 hours. No one would give us the details.
All we knew was that sometime during the day he finally straightened it out and they started the process to send Gina to the next place, for rehab. A 20 minute drive. Gina finally got to rehab at 6 PM. I won't waste too much time with the fact that she was well enough that I could have driven her there, 8 hours earlier.
So, we not only lost one entire day out of our lives, but it probably cost us or the government money that could have gone somewhere else. All because one doctor was too busy to pay proper attention to his patient. Sound familiar?

But at least had some time in the evening to make it to Erie to drop off the artwork for the writer's conference.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

43 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 325 : Wednesday

Countdown Day 44

steps 5891
weight 185

Breakfast – banana in cereal
Lunch – 2 bowls of noodles with crackers
Dinner – leftover chicken and potatoes at the hospital
Snacks – popcorn and ice cream

Up at 5 am. Wheezer at the bedroom door. I didn't fast completely yesterday, but dropping 3 pounds was good enough. Walked to town for coffee and some real manual labor probably had something to do with it to. Now let's see what we can do today.

Not much exercise today, but I did get the airbrush out again, and got the cover art for the Area 1 Writers Road Trip workshop done. I still need to do some work on the gun, as it still trails paint.

Gina is doing well, and though it hurts a bit, she gets the walker out and goes up and down the hall a couple times a day.

Diet 1 held even today, although I went a bit nuts at lunch with 2 bowls of noodles and crackers.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

44 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 324 : Tuesday

Countdown Day 45

steps 7815
weight 188

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – banana
Dinner –
Snacks – cheese, fruit

Up at 6 am. I fed the cats and moaned about adding another pound on the scale. This really needs to be a no food day.

I did get out and walk in to town for coffee this morning. That's a plus. Now it's off to the hospital to visit Gina.

Well, I spent a couple hours with Gina at the hospital, then over to Bernie's to the work on his camper's bathroom.

Then home, where I finally took down the old floor joists from the back of the garage, that I tore down in 2003. All were original rough sawn red Oak 2 by 8s. Even though rotted, they were still at least 100 pounds apiece, and it was enough work just had cut them down, and stack them up.

About 630 I headed back to spend a couple hours with Gina. She actually walked around a bit today. Pretty good for only the 2nd day. She started to feel some pain now that the epidermal is out, but still nothing like what she's dealt with for the last couple years.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

45 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 323 : Monday

Countdown Day 46

steps 4843
weight 187

Breakfast –
Lunch – Pizza
Dinner – big Mac and fries
Snacks – ice cream, pretzels, crackers, almonds, popcorn, etc., etc.

Up at 4:30 am. And within extreme effort. I managed to push to scale back up to 187.

Gina is up pacing the house, and were off to the hospital at 5:15 for her new knee. If the operation stops the chronic pain, she'll be thrilled.

Well, I spent most of the day sitting around the hospital while Gina got her new knee. She spent the whole day on morphine, so life was good, and she finally got lots of pain free sleep.

I once again snacked my way through the day. Yeah, I know, this was supposed to be a no food day. What can I say, you fucked up and trusted me. But face it, if we weren't food addicts, we would not be here. I would not be working out and writing about Diet 1, and you would not be reading it. We all would be having a silent chuckle, about all those poor fools who just can't stop eating.
Well, guess what! I'm one of those fools, and although I screw up often, like yesterday, I'm still on my way to 170 pounds or lower.

If you are tired of waddling when you actually do get out of your chair, moaning at the pain coming from every body part, straining to support decades of overeating, like me, you will stick it out with Diet 1, following the rules as much as you can, until you see a number on your bathroom scale that doesn't scare the crap out of you.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

46 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 322 : Sunday

Countdown Day 47

steps 2737
weight 184

Breakfast – 1 egg and home fries
Lunch – cheese, veggies, fruit, crackers
Dinner –
Snacks – Cheerios, ice cream, doughnut, crackers

Up at 5 am. Wheezer got me up. It's always Wheezer, if he's in. Fed everyone but Button.

Hangin' on to 184 by a thread. I really got to crack down on Diet 1. Luckily I'm done with Bernie's camper for a bit.

A day of food. I started by taking Gina to Gerard dinor in PA for breakfast, then half a bag of Cheetos when we got home. About 2 PM, John and Virginia from next-door came over for cheese, crackers and wine. Then, around 6, we went out for ice cream, and after a long drive, a donut for the ride home. Not a good day for Diet 1.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

47 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 321 : Saturday

Countdown Day 48

steps 3834
weight 184

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – hamburger with bun
Dinner –
Snacks – pretzels, almonds, cookies

Up at 4 am. Gina couldn't sleep and cats got me up. There are many times, like right now, I reminisce about being single.

Yesterdays snacking only took my way up a pound, probably because of the work at Bernie's. Lots of up-and-down ladders and in and out of the camper.

Bernie got a new jar of peanut butter pretzels and I'm lucky I held on to a stable weight. All that saved Diet 1 was the constant running between shop and camper.

Also Gina made peanut butter cookies in the evening, but I did manage to hold it down to 3 so far. I'm barely holding below 185 on the scale every morning, but I am.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

48 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!