Nov.17, 2015 Steps 6133
This is it, the first day of my Diet 1.
So what is it exactly?
As the name implies, it means 1 (one). Along with a host of other dieting tricks, the focus is to start limiting your food intake to 1.
1 bite
1 serving
1 drink
1 sandwich, etc.
This is not the usual starvation or crash diet, but is designed to change eating, exercise and other lifestyle habits , SLOWLY, over a 1 year stretch.
Starting now I will simply begin to consider my habits, 1 by 1, and make changes slowly.
When I sit down to eat, I might take only 1 scoop of mashed potatoes, or 1 chicken leg.
At the local fast food stop, I'll think of the number 1, and get 1 burger instead of the usual 2.
When I've got that bowl of chips or popcorn in my lap, I might think for a moment and just pop one or two in my mouth, instead of the usual handful.
The idea is to "THINK" about what I am used to doing out of habit, and very slowly, make small changes that I can handle with out back sliding, as happens with most diets.
Later on as it becomes Normal, I take the next step. Like cutting out certain foods, places to eat, and other habits that got me where I am today.
1 by 1 I will first consider, then change the way I am. In 1 year from now I will look back and be shocked at the person I was. And I hope you'll be right there with me.
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