
to my Diet Blog....
  This is my long awaited diet program.
Here, day by day I will propose and follow concepts of my  Diet 1, an idea I have been working on for many years.

  The Beatles years ago sang "When I'm 64", and now that I am, it's time to get some of my act together.
   I invite you to join me on this year long adventure, as I endeavor to change life long habits that have left me over weight, slow, and tired. And I welcome your participation and input. Adventures are always more fun, and more successful in numbers.

  1 year from now I will be 20-30 lbs lighter, and back to doing some of the things I have slowly given up over the years, as age and weight have conspired to nibble away at a very long list of hopes, dreams and schemes. 

    Unlike my other blogs, I'll be posting daily, advice, ideas, and updates on my own progress, .
I am not a dietitian, doctor, or any kind of expert on health.
I'm just one guy doing what I think will work for me.
If you like what you read, Thanks, but anything you do is your responsibility.
Any thing you read on the net, should always be taken with caution.