Steps 3844
Time to get some info:
You should do this just for the record, but it can also be helpful in the future.
it will be a nice reference as you look back a year from now.
My weight: 204 lbs/92.5 kg
According to the many formulas out there, my ideal weight should be between 125/56.5 kg and 170 lbs/77 kg
I'm setting my sights on the later. 170 lbs / 77 kg. I think 125/56.5 kg would be a bit skeletal...
This is me in 2012, and I still haven't given birth....
age: 64, that's 12 in cat years.
ailments, aches n pains, etc.
30 % of joints have some pain.
hip, getting severe.
foot developing some numbness in toes.
of breath most of the time. To many years working with crap and no
30-40% loss of flexibility. This like the joint paint is worst in
morning and after sitting to long.
term memory is getting shorter. Now what was I talking about?
have gone from 20/20 to no clear vision with out glasses. In bright
sun, I have fairly clear vision at distances. Light and Dark contrast getting
This may sound scary to you younger folks, but I'm still in pretty good shape for 64.
I'm one of the few folks in my age group that is still not taking any prescription meds, though I've been offered lots.
I do have a very high tolerance for pain, and oddly, a high tolerance for pain killers.
But these are my stats, and like your own, we'll watch them change over the coming months.
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