Steps11421 (A New Record )
Water 8
Steps11421 (A New Record )
Water 8
And I've been chronically dehydrated for years. Drinking mostly coffee doesn't help.
Especially in the cold months, as I sip it most of the day.
This probably started as a baby when I was bottle fed a formula of evaporated milk and Karo syrup.
And I've been chronically dehydrated for years. Drinking mostly coffee doesn't help.
Especially in the cold months, as I sip it most of the day.
This probably started as a baby when I was bottle fed a formula of evaporated milk and Karo syrup.
Yes, the Boomer generation was
weaned on sugar, a corporate and medical wet dream.
By the time I was old enough to pick up
a glass by myself, whatever was in it had to have a large sugar
Catholic school didn't help either. In
second grade, we got the option of chocolate milk at lunch, and by
third grade, I never voluntarily drank cow's milk again.
Like most of my generation and the ones
that followed, our liquid intake generally consisted of Coke, Pepsi
or any product made from sugar and water.
Over the decades my system slowly
rebelled, and I started to back away from sweeteners. But to this
day, six decades later, I still hate the taste of plain water.
So now we start the next step of the Diet 1.
First, get yourself a handful of juice
glasses. Those ones that hold 3 to 4 ounces of liquid like at
restaurants. The little ones they serve juice in because you can't
afford 8 ounces of the stuff.
Now before you go to bed at night, line
up three or four of these on the kitchen counter filled with water.
In the morning, as you stagger into the kitchen to get your day
going, down at least one of those glasses of water. Do it before
your coffee, tea, toast or TV.
Do another on your way out the door.
At work, have a juice glass with a big number 1 sitting on
your desk, to remind you. And use it.
I'm writing this plan from the view of
someone who hates the taste of water.
You may love it, lucky bastard! The
point is to start adding a lot more water to your Diet 1.
In the morning, before you eat, and all
through the day.
Take a picture of those glasses lined
up on the counter and post them on your desk, desktop or phone.
And just like counting your steps every
day, start counting glasses of water.
This is not some crazy water diet.
We are simple using water to help cut back on some our over eating, and to replace some of the sugar filled drinks we normally have.
It has long been proved that the 8-8oz. glasses of water minimum per day, is a misnomer.
One source is from a 1945 note from the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council that said adults should take in about 2.5 liters of water per day. They also noted at the time that we get most of that just in the food we eat.
It has long been proved that the 8-8oz. glasses of water minimum per day, is a misnomer.
One source is from a 1945 note from the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council that said adults should take in about 2.5 liters of water per day. They also noted at the time that we get most of that just in the food we eat.
No one actually specified drinking water alone.
So, no wild and crazy stuff. Just slow down, eat small, and exercise more.
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