Day 7: Don't Count the Money

Steps 6226

That's right. When it comes to eating don't count money.
The only value food should have in your mind's is health. What it does for you and your body.

Thinking about what food costs, can really make it a pain in the ass to diet.
Here are a couple quick examples:

1. You buy a medium size ice cream, which you shouldn't be eating anyway. Halfway through it, you start thinking, “ I should've gotten a small.”
But you finish it off anyway, just because it costs three bucks and you don't want to waste the money.

2. You're in a restaurant or fast food joint and you see the salad on the menu.
You are thinking of your Diet 1, and telling yourself that the salad is healthier and a good move in losing some of that weight you've been piling on, but the bean counter in the back of your head is pointing out that it costs more than the junk food, and you don't get as much to eat.
So you opt for the burger and fries.

And of course there's the dreaded all-you-can-eat buffets, that seem to get more expensive every year.
Just to get your money's worth, you not only stuff yourself with enough food to last about three days, it's usually the most unhealthy food on the buffet.

Your best bet is not to walk in the door in the first place.

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