Day 43 : Challenge Results

steps 5386
water 6
weight 195

Well, how'd everyone do? How many of your Diet 1 items did you checkoff yesterday?
Me, I did pretty good, and checked off everything on the list, even walking in the rain, to push my to count over the 6000 mark.

My only trouble at all was in the evening when the TV came on. This is a problem for just about everyone I think, more so as you gain weight. The heavier you get, the more tire out and need to sit, and more you turn on the tube.

As mentioned before, even if you only watch DVDs, as Gina and I do, you'll be pelted with images of food, compounding the natural tendency to snack while you watch.
I managed to keep it down to 1 bowl of plain popcorn and a few small piece of cheese, but I can do better.

What needs to happen is to apply the Diet 1 rule to TV. That is 1 program a day max. No more popping on the couch after or even during dinner, and sitting there until it's time for bed, only to get up for more snacks.

It's not like I have nothing else to do. Keeping my blogs could use up all that TV time. Or my never-ending list of children's books, art projects, construction on the house etc. etc.
Soooo, let's do it!

1 show, 1 bite, water and exercise. 1 day at a time !


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good plan , rice cakes are a pretty good deal too
