Day 302 : Monday

Countdown Day 67

steps 10055
weight 187

Breakfast – ?
Lunch – ?
Dinner – ?
Snacks – pretzels, Peanuts

Up at 5 AM and Gina is heading off to work at Pet Fix for the day, as I relax on the deck and get caught up on the blogs. It's cool and 50° on the deck, and this morning I barely hung onto 187 lbs. on scale, but this could be the week I finally drop below 185.

I spent most of the day up and down a ladder installing ice bars and a new gutter on Bernie's store. Roofers didn't bother when they put the new metal roof on, and ice took off the gutter last winter.
That's a helpful hint for everyone out there. Most roofers will only install ice guards near entrances, but they should go completely long all leaves. Metal looks cool, but it's slippery, and when the sun comes out, large sections of ice and snow can easily slide off . Not just landing on you like skit in a movie, but also taking down gutters, awnings, and even dangerous things like gas meters.

Anyway, all the exercise was nice, but it only canceled out the snacks I pretty much ate the whole time I was at Bernie's, so Diet 1 held stable at 187 for another day.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

67 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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