Day 29 : Cookies

steps 11599
water 4
weight 200

Cookies, there's a challenge for any dieter and I suspect, a leading cause of many diets in the first place.

Years ago we used to joke about picking up calories, just from walking through the cookie aisle at the local grocery. Those same aisles got decimated back in our “Hippie” days as we went through with the “munchies”.
So why would anyone on a serious diet even consider cookies?

The Challenge
Well, that's what I did recently as Gina and I join several good friends on the 2015 Christmas Cookie Tour in Holmes County, Ohio.

It was a fun tour of upscale travel accommodations from a small 1840's stone house, to a mansion on a hill that rents out as one unit and sleeps 20. If you can afford this place, you can pay people to watch your diet.

At each stop, we managed 10 all told, there were free snacks, drinks and music. Also, most had local crafts for sale, and yes, you got a calorie laden souvenir cookie at each stop.
These were made especially for each establishment and my favorite was the Ohio cookie. I would have framed it, but both ours got broke on the way home.

Okay, I know what you are all thinking, and the answer is NO. I made it home without eating 1 single cookie, although I did munch a lot of veggies and other snacks.

Making something you shouldn't be eating the focus of a challenge for a day is a good way to walk past it, because you're saying “I Dare You” to your ego, and that puts it on the spot.
Just telling yourself that you shouldn't eat this or that is 1 thing, but putting it right out front is another.

I once put a doughnut in my kitchen and said, “this is my last 1”. It was until several years later when a friend tossed it out out, because it was waaayyy past stale.

You can't fill your house with stale food, but you can challenge yourself now and then to make the point.


1 comment:

  1. They are fat pills. Call 'em that, you'll eat less of them. I just made biscotti with flax, whole wheat flour, dark chocolate, and espresso beans. Not exactly low calorie, but not empty calories either. Still a cookie though.
