Day 97 : Saturday

steps 7731
water 5
weight 195

Today we woke up with a tree on the roof. Yes, we had some really howling winds last night, as winter turned to spring for a couple days. 50 degrees out today. Some of the upper branches of the tree made it all we to the chimney and over to the front side of the house. Not too much damage, and I got some exercise cutting firewood off my roof.

But before I did that, we went out for breakfast in Gerard, Pennsylvania, a small town about 20 minutes east of us. At a nice little place called Gerard Dinor, that's been in business over 100 years.
Dinor, instead of diner, is spelling peculiar to western Pennsylvania.

After breakfast we walked around town a bit, as I've and getting kind of bored wondering around Conneaut.
With my hip acting up, I'm only good for about a half mile or so before it gets annoying and I need to sit down. But that's why I'm on Diet 1, hopefully as the weight goes down the miles will go up.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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