Day 274 : Monday

Countdown Day 95
steps 9533
weight 194

Breakfast – 1 banana
Lunch – 1 double burger and fries
Dinner –
Snacks – watermelon, cheese, freeze pops

Well, I really fucked up yesterday afternoon. We went to Bill and Paul's 45th anniversary party. Good friends, good wine, live music, and lots of food....

Made it pretty damn hard to stay on any diet, so I didn't.

I'm so used to eating small amounts of food now that I felt absolutely bloated by the time I went to bed, and didn't feel all that great when I got up at 5 AM.

I perked up a bit by 8 and headed out for some minor work on my brothers rentals. On the way home I had a craving for meat and got a Wendy's double with fries, no cheese. In an hour I was out cold on the couch, and slept like a rock for 2 hours, waking up feeling like someone had pulled the plug on me.

No energy and not much incentive to do anything. I didn't perk up again until we went for a walk and got the system moving again.

I've noticed that as I drift more and more into small, snack like meals, the food and meals that I used to consider normal overwhelm my system, and send me into hours of downtime.

95 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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