Day 288 : Monday

Countdown Day 81

steps 10805
weight 189

Breakfast – Small roast beef n cheese sandwich, hamburger patty
Lunch –
Dinner – corn on the cob-1
Snacks – pop corn, cheese, fruit, peanut butter pretzels

AMAZING!! 2 straight days of picnics with tons of REAL GOOD food, and I only took on 2 lbs. Think about it.
In years past, what I ate all day, at either event would have been just my normal munching, and I would have been packing up as many leftovers as I could get away with.
Most of which would have been finished off the next day, some probably on the drive home.
So now it's Monday, and I need to get back to the normal, meaning Diet 1.


Most diets are abnormal! They are things you do because you have to. They are often the opposite of your normal behavior. This is why they usually fail, and often cause a rebound to a worse condition than before.
That is why Diet 1 is a 12 month plan and why I have been jabbering away for the last 287 days.
What Diet 1 is doing, what I am doing and what you are doing, if you have been following along, is changing what is normal. We are changing our behavior and habits slowly until what once was abnormal, becomes normal.

Where filling a dinner plate to overflowing was once habit, is now abnormal. Two burgers seems odd and Jumbo anything is way too much.

After 3, 6 or 12 months on Diet 1, it's not just that you think differently about what you eat, but your body has become accustomed to those changes to. We don't go for seconds anymore, because you are full after the first round.
That “eat fast and grab more” urge you lived with most of your life is slowly diminishing, being replaced by “slow down and enjoy it.”

It won't all be changed after 12 months of Diet 1, but enough will, and will continue to change as time goes by, because what you learned on Diet 1 will continue to become your normal behavior.
Like seeing a picture of yourself in that ridiculous outfit in high school, you will look back in years to come and chuckle how you once shoveled food like it was your last meal. You may even wonder how you could have even eaten that.
Anyway, 80 days to go to my b-day and I'm thrilled.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

81 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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