Day 49 : Slowing Down Fast Food

water 6
weight 194

A contradiction in terms?
Fast food is here for a reason course, it's fast and it's easy. Even if you decide like me, to sit in Mickey D's for an hour or so working on your latest book, the food is still right there, and right now.
No cooking or prep work, no waitress to wait for, and unfortunately no limits.
You can eat as much as you can afford, and often do. Sure you can have a small fry for this amount, but for an added fraction of that you can supersize it.

It always looks good, getting a lot more for what seems like a little more, but then you're not buying lumber or new clothes.
You're getting extra food that you REALLY don't need, and that many argue, is not that good for you anyway.
Fast Food
This is why we draw that ugly 1 on our some every morning, and why call it Diet 1.
To keep focused on the idea that whatever kind of food, until now, you ate more than you needed, and often shoveled down so fast that was wasted!

Now we order the small fries, a regular burger, and if you are really trying, water instead of pop.
We slow the fast food down, by taking smaller bites and chewing them longer.
We get more out of less, instead of less out of more.
Over time this will bring our own weight down from supersize to regular, with the added bonus of more money in our pocket.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Fast....not if you take in to account driving there and making the money required to buy the food. Rarely have I went to fast food and walked out thinking, "that was great!" Well....that's not quite true, I like do like White Castle. Anyway, if you're traveling sure, but really.. you should not be going to McDonalds, you should be going to your kitchen. If you want french fries, make some oven fries, they smell and taste good and cost almost nothing to make.
