Day 59 : Constipation

steps 3056
water 4
weight 195

An unwelcome surprise you might get when changing your diet.

In my case I'm suspecting it's the banana smoothies I've enjoyed for the last couple of weeks. Mostly because of the milk. Dairy products are on the list of culprits, but like most folks I always thought of it as just cheese. Since I normally don't drink very much milk, the smoothies would fall under the major dietary change list.

Also, with all the holiday events, I've probably tripled my usual intake of cheese, all those trays of tasty cheese cubes.

Now we've got to try and figure it out and compensate.
More liquids, water and more fiber, fruit n veggies. I'm also switching to 2 percent milk in the smoothies. Can't quite bring myself to use water, but if I move to skim milk, I'll be as close as you can get.
That's a tougher 1 as the snow piles up and I spend my days in front of the computer. Might take Liz's offer of a free treadmill, but whatever I do, I've got to get off my ass!

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!


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