Day 70 : Sunday

steps 3429
water 4

Cold, but no new snow down here in Springfield.

Gluten Free
I've heard a lot from friends in the last few years about Gluten-Free eating, mostly in regards to joint pain and Celiac disease. So I'm starting to take a look at it.

As always it's in response to aging and the natural down hill physical spiral it brings. Just like cars, when it's new, you just put in gas and go. When it starts getting old and warn, you start looking at any “additives” or “fixes” that might forestall the inevitable.

The problem of course is that for us there is no trade in option. We can replace a few parts, and take better care of the car, but that don't stop the process. And you never know, any little change for the better is always welcome. Even if it's just being able to move a bit easier.

So I'm looking at Gluten-free, and seeing what it will entail. What needs to change and how much. Can I live with out wheat products and every thing they are in? Is it worth the hassle for me? Are there enough products to make the transition reasonable?

Well, for now I'll just be looking and reading. Checking the facts, and fantasies. And just maybe work it into a 7day challenge, or maybe just a slow shift away from some food products.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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