Day 137 : Thursday

steps 7953
weight 197

I got Gina's birthday present done and mounted in the wall this morning. Now back to Diet1 and a fast today. Well maybe tomorrow, because I'm taking Gina out for Mexican tonight.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 136 : Wednesday

steps 8534
weight 196

I had to reset the pedometer yesterday, so I lost a few steps. Also I noticed that it's much better for the ego to count steps instead of miles. 6000 Steps sounds way more impressive than a mere 2 miles. I got a walk in today, plus my 1st bike ride in a year or so. Only couple miles on a borrowed bike, but better than sitting in a chair, staring at a computer screen.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 135 : Tuesday

steps 8677
weight 196

I got 2 walks in today and more exercise, as I worked on Gina's birthday gift, running up and down the stairs. I'm really seeing results of the months of re-structuring my habits. Even doing crazy snacking, like helping Gina wipe out a bag of peanut brittle yesterday didn't stop me from losing another pound.

The big change in Diet 1 recently, was setting up the weekly goals of 1 to 2 lbs off. It gives me a close range item to focus on, and cuts down on procrastination. With a 12 month goal of 20 to 30 lbs off, it's easy to let things slip as that little guy in your head says “You've got all year, have some fries”. But when it's Wednesday morning and you have to drop 2 lbs by Thursday, it really puts a fire under your ass.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 134 : Monday

steps 7128
weight 197

I didn't fast today, but close. 1 breakfast burrito at McDonald's, a very small bowl of baked beans for lunch and a salad for dinner. No dressing.
Plus, a half-dozen Hershey kisses. Still party leftovers.
It was a beautiful day and I got a bit of exercise in, helping Gina out in the yard, getting ready for spring.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 133 : Sunday

steps 8235
weight 198

Still stacking too much, but I'm using up crackers and chips left over from the Birthday party last week.
A tip for throwing parties in the future, send all unhealthy leftovers, including bags of chips and such, home with guests.

I'm still keeping up on the steps and heading back down on the scale, but this weeks goal is to have that scale down to 194 by Thursday.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 132 : Saturday

steps 6371
weight 199

Slipping a bit. I spent the day reading and snacking. Got my steps in, but that was about it.

Started the day by taking Gina out to breakfast, money I shouldn't be spending, and calories I don't need.
2 eggs +3 sausage links is less than half of what I used to eat in a diner for breakfast, but still a lot, If I want to drop below 170 and stay there.

After breakfast, I made a b-day card for a friend, then pretty much spent the day in a chair reading until Sue, an old friend of Gina's came over for our Easter picnic in the sunroom, and we all ate too much. So it's time the push the pendulum back to the other side.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 131 : Friday

steps 6176
weight 197

The home scale floats up and down a pound or 2 every day or so, but yesterday it was official, I was under 200 pounds with cloths on.

That's 10 lbs off since I started Diet 1 in November. 10 lbs in a bit over 4 months may not seem like much, but that has been the point, since I started. I'm not “dieting”, I'm slowly changing eating and exercise habits over a 1year period. Changing those habits is causing my weight to drop naturally and for good. Each small change I've made over the last 130 days has added up, 1 on top of the next, building up to help me do more.

As time goes by, it changes my attitudes and thought process, allowing me to make changes that I would've thought stupid, impossible or a waste of time 4 months ago.

Last Sunday, a friend took us out to dinner and I had a hamburger and fries. No Cheese That was my 1st hamburger and fries in months, it was my 1st sandwich and weeks.
For those new to my Diet 1, burgers and fries have been a staple of my diet for 5 decades, and McDonald's nearly a daily habit.

Just 10 lbs in a bit over 4 months, is a big deal, because it's 10 lbs. that is not coming back.
By the way, the habit changes of Diet 1 are compounding. Checking back, you'll see that 8 of those 10 lbs came off in the last 2 months.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 130 : Thursday

steps 6160
weight 196

Went down another pound and I just keep cutting back.
Officially, 198.3 at the VA clinic today, and that's fully dressed. All those rules and habits, I spouted off at the beginning of Diet 1 are drifting into the past, but each 1 has slowly added to a thought process that allows me to do what I'm doing now.

The idea of going through a whole day without a large meal, or seconds or thirds, or even normal things like eating fast food, sandwiches, or fattening snacks are old drifting into the past.
Little steps, over a long period keep you moving toward your goal. Sure, you can take 1 or 2 big steps, and risk falling back as most people do on the usual diets.
Smaller plates, smaller utensils and smaller portions.

You also have to change your food preferences to. You may like this or that, but over time, you slowly chang that taste to something more healthy.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 129 : Wednesday

steps 6600
weight 198

Today I'm still holding at 198, and I'll see if I can knock it down another pound or so. I ate a bit too many a goldfish crackers today, but lunch and dinner were veggies only.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 128 : Tuesday

steps 6600
weight 198

Well a day of fasting really kicks ass, I lost 5 lbs in 24 hours.
Yesterday, I had:
1 cup of coffee
5 or 6 cups of broth ( way too much salt )
1 tablespoon of peanut butter.

Now, the goal is not to pig out today. Except for my banana and fiber one cereal in the morning, it'll be just fruits and veggies today.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 127 : Monday

steps 5026
weight 203

The day after the party, and a tighter belt, as today becomes a no food day, to balance out the excesses of yesterday's party.
It always seems daunting when you mention the word fast, but hey, it's just one day.

Tomorrow it's back to normal, but when you think about it, tomorrow will actually be less eating than normal, because you are already at the bottom of the eating scale, and since you are down there, it's not that hard to stay there.

The day after a fast, if you don't go crazy, you can actually get away with eating half of what you normally do. Even that might seem like a lot.

So today is in all water day. A day to reset the eating scale and think about how far on the scale I want to go tomorrow.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 126 : Sunday

steps 6473
weight 199

We got a quick walk in this morning before finishing preparations for Gina's birthday party for the cats.
By late afternoon, we had 20 or so people piled into the house, chatting, drinking and eating cake, cookies, and even some fresh veggies. It was a fun day and Gina had a blast.
The cats, of course, were nowhere to be seen, but everyone had a good time.

As far as Diet 1 goes, I did much better than I would have even 6 months ago, but the scale Monday morning was still up 3 lbs. I did manage not to eat any cake, but the cheese and crackers got to me.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 125 : Saturday

steps 6331
weight 199

I walked around town this morning and once again was reminded about how often people ignore opportunities, as I looked at the abandoned houses scattered around. I keep hearing people whine because they can't afford a house, but they constantly ignore all these houses that can be gotten for nearly nothing.
If you can't afford at $100,000 yuppie mansion, you shouldn't be looking.

Unfortunately, America has raised several generations now, that live for what they can afford, and complain when they can't get it, or when somebody takes it away because they ran out of money. I meet, very few people that are happy with what they have, or can afford.
Anyway, I'm still holding it 199 lbs, but tomorrow's the big birthday party day, with lots of junk.
Cross your fingers?

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 124 : Friday

steps 6967
weight 199

I finally broke to 200 lb. mark on the new improved bathroom scale today, 199.
The real test will be next Thursday when I go in for my 2 week weigh-in at the VA clinic.
To keep on schedule, their scale has to read 196 or lower. So I've got some Diet 1 cramming to do by next Thursday. 

 Cramming is probably not the right word, more like a lack of cramming is what's needed, food that is.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 122 : Wednesday

steps 7897

Up at 2 AM and out of bed at 3:30. One good dream about spiders, that would make a great horror story. If I remember it passed today I might even write it down sometime.
That good amount of steps in today, but was getting kind of bored with the work on the house, and decided to pack things up and head back up north tomorrow morning.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 121 : Tuesday

steps 9141

It was a nice day today and I got in a lot of walking. Sleep time is shifting back to single life mode, in bed about 9 or 10 PM and up about 3 or 4 AM. I'm having amazing dreams down here, good enough for more book ideas, but I've got enough of them now.
Got some more the floor done and I'm finally getting the logistics worked out for the new kitchen.
And I'm back to drawing again, doing some work on the 3 Little Puppies story.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 120 : Monday

steps 4083

I'm still not getting all my steps in, but still getting more exercise working on the house, and I still seem to be losing weight. I won't know for sure until I get back up north for a real weigh in at the VA office next week. I got a couple more sheets of flooring down and have the shims and place for the next.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 119 : Sunday

steps 4041

I slept in late today getting up at 8 AM, I was too busy enjoying some crazy dreams.
I'm back to eating my cereal and banana's for breakfast, and had liver and onions for dinner.
I got the gas line put in for the new apartment and a couple more sheets of flooring. Each joist has to be shimmed individually, to compensate for the building sagging over the years, so it gets kind of tedious.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 118 : Saturday

steps 4866

I'm up at 5 AM and getting caught up on the Diet 1 Journal, while I kill time waiting for the world wake up.
Not getting all my steps in, but getting a lot more exercise working on the house.
I met Mike for breakfast and tip city today and looked around at what he's getting done on his place.
I'm working on cutting down the 2 meals a day. When I'm working I often go to light in the morning before breakfast, then lunch around three or 4 PM.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 117 : Friday

steps 9763

Back to some real exercise, moving wood, tearing up floor walking to the store. Back and forth to the garage is good for extra steps to!

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 116 : Thursday

steps 3987

It's an all-day rain today in Springfield and I got some walking in stores, but for the most part it was a day of being a slug. I had breakfast with some friends in yellow Springs, spent most of the day just settling in and getting organized.
As usual it means emptying whatever room I need to work in.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 115 : Wednesday

weight 202

Spring came back full tilt yesterday and made it up to 71 degrees, a beautiful day and I got in 3 walks. Today I'm getting caught up on the blog as I get ready to head down the my southern house in Springfield, to finally get some more work done.

call 911
After yesterday's post, I started reading up on heart attack symptoms and really had to smile.
They basically ran down the list of what you're used to hearing all the time, chest pains, hard breathing, pains in the arms, etc. etc. and as with anybody who makes a living off other people's problems, they kept rattling off the advice to call 911 and wait for the ambulance, no matter what.
Just like the old fire safety advice of, no matter what , run out of your house and call the fire department and wait. Even if it's just a small grease fire on the stove or a spark, don't try to put it out. Just let your house burn while you wait for the experts.

So back to calling 911 every time you feel the slightest tweak of symptoms.

1 day you feel a dull ache in your arm, following this advice, you call 911, and wait for your ride, while the neighbors look on, and your wife worries.

At the hospital, the friendly folks in the emergency room give you the OK, nothing's wrong, and you go home realizing that you just spent the down payment on a new car. And that's just for the ambulance ride, you don't want to see the emergency room bill.

When you do get the bill, your chest suddenly tightens up, and you call 911 again. A few more tests, and now you are worried, not just about your health, but how you're going to cover the bills.

Stress builds, when your insurance payments go up to help cover their profit margin, and yes, it's another 911 call. This time, after a few more tests, they inform you that you're really stressed out and give you a prescription for blood pressure medication.
You've now got the cost of a prescription to worry about, and you start remembering all those news stories about people losing their insurance when the bills got too high.

Then 1 day the cancellation notice shows up, the same day as your latest medical bill, and your wife dials 911, as you hit the floor with a groan and a thud.

Sorry, ma'am,” they say. “ If you could have just called sooner.”

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 114 : Tuesday

steps 13664
weight 203

Well, a new step record today. If I did 13,000 steps every day instead of sitting in front of this computer, I'd really knock off the pounds.

Last night was another of those “Should I be worried ?“times, as I tried to drift off to sleep. Laying there, listening to the ringing in my ears, actually more of a high-pitched tone, that seems to get louder as everything quiets down at night, you become more aware of your body. All those things you ignore as you go about the day. The hip joint, that's tired of carrying all that extra weight, or hundreds of nerves scattered here and there that just don't work right anymore. The bottom of your toes on the right foot that have been numb for several years now, and the constant itching on the bridge of your nose. Both saying that you pushed it a bit too far in the cold, and saying “You are not the indestructible guy who walked on fire and ice 20 years ago”.

You really start listening to the shallow breathing, and that feeling that you just aren't getting enough air anymore. Is it the extra 40 lbs. you carry, arteries clogged with cholesterol and plaque, or just 50 years of doing everything, and breathing in all that came with it.

You notice a dull ache in the upper right jaw, not a tooth as it seems to spread out, and hints at the lower jaw now and then a nerve in the left arm tweaks, a while later, 1 in the right.
A pending heart attack?” You wonder as your jaw continues to ache, and you focus on every sudden pain in your body, nerves popping off here and there, seemingly at random.

You lay there wondering what is wrong and where, as you drift off to sleep.

In the morning, I sit here writing down what I can remember, with the realization that it's just things wearing out, like parts on an old car. Some parts you can keep going with a little extra care, and a few, with some extra money can be replaced. But 1 of these days, the battery will finally give out, and she just won't start anymore.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 113 : Monday

steps 6088
weight 203

I hit my step count again, and I'm really thinking about Diet 1 more. I've kind of coasted through the winter, spouting rules and ideas, but not really working at it. I've lost a few pounds, and got some good habit started, but now it's get real-time.

A bad habit I've had my whole life is procrastination, putting things off until the very last minute. I've done amazing things coming down to the wire over the years, but I've also not. And this is a deadline I can't miss, because I get hints nearly every day, that my life is riding on this one.

Starting today I reset the goal of 40 lbs. off by my birthday, to 36 mini goals of 1.5 lbs. a week. I work great coming up on the wire, so now I can do it 36 times in the next 9 months.
When you're a kid, you just are.
In the middle they say “Live 1 day at a Time”.
After 60 it turns into “Survive 1 day at a Time”.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 112 : Sunday

steps 3838
weight 203

I got a little walking in today, but still blow my 6000 steps a day limit. I managed to spend half the day working on sorting through the New Zealand photos from last year, and watching movies with Gina all evening. I made the mistake of buying her a 24 movie DVD collection of old Westerns.

Going through the pictures of our trip, I was really shocked to actually see myself as fat as I really am. I've really got it kick Diet 1 in high gear now. It's looking at about 1 lb. a week now to get down to 170 lbs. by my birthday.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 111 : Saturday

steps 8237
weight 203

Finally got back to walking a bit today and got my numbers back up above 6000 steps, as Gene and I walked over to a rummage sale another of our vacant churches today. The D Day Ohio folks bought it as staging and storage for the annual D Day reenactment. It draws about 25,000 people now.

As soon as we got in the door at the rummage sale, I spotted a nice bathroom scale. One of those with the dial at waist level, like you see in schools and small gyms, and it was only
50 cents, because the pointer was broke off. Well, as you can see by the photos, it's got a fun new pointer now.

But with a better scale came a jolt to my reality, as my old weight of 195 lbs, I'd been used to, suddenly jumped to 203 lbs. This is what the real scale at the VA has been saying all along. Also, 4 foot tall scale in the bathroom is a much better reminder to keep my Diet 1 moving along.

An update on my Floating Head Syndrome. It's still there, but very faint, I'm thinking it's got something to do with the ringing in my ears. It's very faint, but I can sense it's still there. Like the dizzy spell you get when you stand up real fast, but so faint you just barely notice it's there.
Very intriguing...

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 110 : Friday

steps 4831
weight 193

A light dusting of snow on the ground this morning's, as winter comes by for another short visit, giving me a view of the valley that is hidden behind a veil of green most of the year. Like a panoramic x-ray, I can see deep inside this natural wonder, at all the hidden parts of its anatomy.
I can watch my cat sneaking through the woods, stalking something that only he can see, until he's spotted by something bigger, looking for lunch. Then it's a mad dash through the valley, and up the hill to the safety of our house, not knowing that his feral pursuer is far behind in the safety of the woods.

On a lighter note, my head.
Standing on the scale this morning I was suddenly dizzy, as if I were 100 feet in the air. My head was swimming in a mist of uncertain balance, until I was forced to step back on solid ground again. 10 minutes later, as I sat in my chair, waiting for enough sunlight to enjoy the view out my window, it struck again.
I was stretching and rubbing my eyes, as you do when still waking up, and suddenly my head was swimming in that mist again. When opening my eyes without moving, everything drifts slowly to the left, as if I was turning my head. Now an hour later, as I write this, I noticed the ringing in my ears that is been my companion for several weeks now and I can feel a light sensation in the top front of my head, like when you come up from diving in a pool, and your ears haven't popped yet. I have the odd sensation that I could bring back the light headedness at any moment, just by thinking about it or moving my eyes, a certain way. And odd, but interesting way to start the day, I must say.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 109 : Thursday

steps 4237
weight 193

I've noticed more changes from caused by aging lately.
Yesterday I finally had to accept that my body can't tolerate extreme temperatures any more, especially below freezing. My nose has been itching for weeks, and I think it's skin or nerve damage from the cold. I've also noticed my skin is much more sensitive to extreme temperatures the last few years. For decades my thermostat was set at 60, now it's at 70 and I'm still chilly. Hot water is not just hot now, I get a burning sensation from it.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 108 : Wednesday

steps 5975
weight 193

Not sure when I lost a couple of more pounds, because I haven't been looking at the scale for a while, but it's nice to see.
I've been thinking maybe of going for 160 or 150 pounds by the end of the Diet 1. It's just that my energy levels have taken a real hit the last few years, and now weight that I never really noticed, seems to drag me down.
Time to really crack down on the “no seconds”rule.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!