Day 115 : Wednesday

weight 202

Spring came back full tilt yesterday and made it up to 71 degrees, a beautiful day and I got in 3 walks. Today I'm getting caught up on the blog as I get ready to head down the my southern house in Springfield, to finally get some more work done.

call 911
After yesterday's post, I started reading up on heart attack symptoms and really had to smile.
They basically ran down the list of what you're used to hearing all the time, chest pains, hard breathing, pains in the arms, etc. etc. and as with anybody who makes a living off other people's problems, they kept rattling off the advice to call 911 and wait for the ambulance, no matter what.
Just like the old fire safety advice of, no matter what , run out of your house and call the fire department and wait. Even if it's just a small grease fire on the stove or a spark, don't try to put it out. Just let your house burn while you wait for the experts.

So back to calling 911 every time you feel the slightest tweak of symptoms.

1 day you feel a dull ache in your arm, following this advice, you call 911, and wait for your ride, while the neighbors look on, and your wife worries.

At the hospital, the friendly folks in the emergency room give you the OK, nothing's wrong, and you go home realizing that you just spent the down payment on a new car. And that's just for the ambulance ride, you don't want to see the emergency room bill.

When you do get the bill, your chest suddenly tightens up, and you call 911 again. A few more tests, and now you are worried, not just about your health, but how you're going to cover the bills.

Stress builds, when your insurance payments go up to help cover their profit margin, and yes, it's another 911 call. This time, after a few more tests, they inform you that you're really stressed out and give you a prescription for blood pressure medication.
You've now got the cost of a prescription to worry about, and you start remembering all those news stories about people losing their insurance when the bills got too high.

Then 1 day the cancellation notice shows up, the same day as your latest medical bill, and your wife dials 911, as you hit the floor with a groan and a thud.

Sorry, ma'am,” they say. “ If you could have just called sooner.”

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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