Day 132 : Saturday

steps 6371
weight 199

Slipping a bit. I spent the day reading and snacking. Got my steps in, but that was about it.

Started the day by taking Gina out to breakfast, money I shouldn't be spending, and calories I don't need.
2 eggs +3 sausage links is less than half of what I used to eat in a diner for breakfast, but still a lot, If I want to drop below 170 and stay there.

After breakfast, I made a b-day card for a friend, then pretty much spent the day in a chair reading until Sue, an old friend of Gina's came over for our Easter picnic in the sunroom, and we all ate too much. So it's time the push the pendulum back to the other side.

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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