Day 198 : Tuesday

steps 6407
weight 195

I woke up today with dreams and ideas whizzing through my head, but ZERO energy, and dragged my ass downstairs to feed the cats, reheat yesterdays coffee, and slowly started waking up.
Just too many carbs and calories last night. Gained 2 pounds by this morning.

Breakfast – big Mac and fries
Lunch – Egg McMuffin
Dinner – leftover steak and ribs
Snacks – bag of chips and a little pasta salad

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 197 : Monday

steps 7851
weight 193

Just enjoying a day of nothing, and jotted down 3 new kids stories before breakfast.
I worked on cleaning up the front garden, and transferring a bit of the plants over to the hillside outback. Dozed a lot in mid afternoon, then Gina and I went to Chardon for barbecue at Carla's house. We had a great time, and lots of fond reminisces, but as usual too much food.

Breakfast – banana and cereal
Lunch –
Dinner –
Snacks –

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 196 : Sunday

steps 3833
weight 193

It's a nice cool morning here in the treehouse, 2 heroins just flew by, it's about 6 AM. Gina and I when shopping for fuchsia plants, then back to Jennies in Cleveland at noon, and heading home at 5.
Feeling good, worked for free today. Taking tomorrow off.

Breakfast – banana and cereal
Lunch – sausage
Dinner – soup n noodles
Snacks – 2 Italian ice, nuts

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 195 : Saturday

steps 3846
weight 193

It's nice and cool out here on the deck at 6 AM. The birds are happy and I'm sipping my coffee, enjoying the time here.
I got Jenny's tub hooked up today and ran a line for the air conditioner. 8 hrs. work plus 3 driving on an 80 degree day.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – salad
Dinner – soup n noodles
Snacks – 2 Italian ice, bowl of pecans

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 194 : Friday

steps 5666
weight 194

It's still hot, and I'm still getting lots of exercise in Cleveland, running up and down stairs. I got the shower walls furred out and the copper plumbing in place, and was home about 7:30 PM.
Very busy down in the Valley with dear, 3 Eagles, lots of birds. Even had a possum walk through the garden as I sipped my morning coffee. And saw beaver daughter in the Creek.

Breakfast – banana and serial
Lunch – salad
Dinner – biscuits with gravy
Snacks – 2 Italian ice

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 193 : Thursday

Day 193 : Thursday
steps 8782
weight 193
VA weight 194.2

It's 5:30 AM and I'm up, but drowsy, didn't sleep well. Kept waking up. 1st time around midnight, something was getting eaten outside. I got up to make sure it wasn't one of the cats. Ratso was the only one in, he kept sleeping on my legs, making it hard to move around. Also, the welt on my ass was itching like crazy. Might've been from a spider of some kind. Last night was 2nd night, and it was about the size of two quarter side-by-side. Should be going away today. 80+ outside, not the kind of weather I like to work in, specially in a small bathroom on the 2nd floor of a house in the city, with no air-conditioning.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – salad
Dinner – chicken biscuits with gravy
Snacks – 3 cheese sticks, pretzels and ice cream

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 192 : Wednesday

Day 192 : Wednesday
steps 8580
weight 193

I'm not getting lots of steps in, but getting good exercise, burning off lots of calories. Installed a glass block bathroom window yesterday. A couple of hundred pounds from basement to second-floor. Even with the furniture dolly, it was lots of exercise.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – garlic bread
Dinner – chicken leg
Snacks – 1-orange and ice cream

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 191 : Tuesday

Day 191 : Tuesday
steps 3383
weight 194

Yes, back down to 194 AGAIN. This time it's permanent, I mean it, honest, really. I'm doing 2 bathroom remodels the next 2 weeks, and I started by cutting down a large tree Sunday. So for change I am actually doing real manual labor, burning calories and a great chance to push Diet 1 into high gear for a dash to the November finish.

Breakfast – banana and cereal
Lunch – salad
Dinner – Mexican ( ate to much )
Snacks – small piece cheese

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 190 : Monday

steps 9227
weight 195

Back to work, tearing out of bathroom. Also, back to eating better.

Breakfast – 1 egg and toast
Lunch – large salad
Dinner –
Snacks – a few fries, ice cream and cheese

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 189 : Sunday

steps 10502
weight 198

CRAP! JUST NOT TRYING! To much crap food yesterday....

Got off my ass today and cut up some more of the tree that came down last Feb. I also dropped one of the other trees. It was a bit much for an old 16' electric chainsaw, but it came down.

Joanne from New Hampshire, spent the night on her way to Dayton.

Breakfast – 1 egg and toast
Lunch – salad
Dinner – 3 slices of pizza
Snacks – ice cream and cheese

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 188 : Saturday

steps 8699
weight 196

Got some writing in then a quick walk with Gina when she got up, and a mad dash to the SCBWI writers group in Fairlawn. Lots of good info and some good chatting too.

Then over to Kevin's writing group in Eastlake, around 1:30 PM, and home for dinner, about 5:30 PM.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – big Mac and fries
Dinner – homemade scallop potatoes
Snacks – a doughnut, pretzels, 2 muffins, and a slice of ham

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 187 : Friday

steps 9294
weight 196

Feeling like a slug this morning, probably all the carbs I ate yesterday.
I walked to town for coffee this morning just to get moving.

I got my 3 pages of writing in, and some minor work in the garden and off to Bernie's where I proceeded to pig out on munchies.

Then spent a good part of the day online trying to find a way around the latest “computer upgrade” of my phone. Quiet day.

Breakfast – Burrito
Lunch –
Dinner –
Snacks – popcorn, chips, 2 oranges, 3 cheese sticks and a muffin

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 186 : Thursday

steps 10352
weight 195

Exercise is always good for burning off calories, I lost a pound from the moving job yesterday, even with all the food I ate. If I fasted, I would've dropped 5 lbs. Starting next week, Monday is fast day, no solid foods.

Pretty quiet today though, cut the grass, gave Gina a little hand in the garden and took the car in for its checkup.

Breakfast – Burrito
Lunch – 20 chicken nuggets
Dinner – 3 slices of pizza
Snacks – peanut butter pretzels and ice cream

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 185 : Wednesday

steps 13197
weight 196

Helping John next-door move more stuff from their old house. The 2 of us filled, then emptied a 20 foot moving truck and 5 ½ hours. We got to his old house at 10 AM and finished unloading at the new house at 3:30 PM. Not bad for 2 old farts.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – 2 ham and cheese sandwiches and some potato salad
Dinner – banana with cereal
Snacks – peanut butter pretzels and popcorn

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 184 : Tuesday

steps 3966
weight 196

Not much walking today. I spent most of the day behind the wheel, 1st stop was Painesville, keeping Liz company while the house got inspected for sale. Afterwards, she took me out for breakfast.
Then I meandered around for a while, then out to Medina for the writers group, which included hanging out at a restaurant for 2 hours before the meeting.
Then over to the library at 6:30 for the meeting. The best run writers group I've been to so far. We finished up about 9:20 and I was home in 2 hours. Lazy day.

Breakfast – 3 egg omelet and toast
Lunch –
Dinner – big cheeseburger, chips and a Coke
Snacks – some small cheese squares in the cookie

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 183 : Monday

steps 7601
weight 196

Another day? Worked on kids books some more, got Ginas' new hard drive hooked up, then we watched the new Star Wars movie. I call it the old Jedi reunion.

Breakfast –
Lunch –
Dinner –
Snacks –

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 182 : Sunday

steps 10433
weight 196

It was probably the Big Mac and fries yesterday that got me up another pound, but I slowed down again today, on the eating.

When you spend most of your day doing nonphysical stuff, it not only takes a real extra effort to burn off calories, but it just makes you want to eat!

Much of it, I believe, goes back to a lifetime of habits. Your mental and physical self is just accustomed to numerous outside triggers or cues, and with little else to focus on, you just find yourself constantly looking for food.

You have a constant need to do something, and since eating is connected with so much that you did in the past, it fills in for all you're not doing now.

Breakfast – burrito
Lunch – last of meatloaf
Dinner – chili
Snacks – more chili, peanut butter pretzels

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 181 : Saturday

steps 6450
weight 195

A busy day today. Out the door at 7 am. My 1st stop was Northfield, OH, for my 1st meeting with Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators SCBWI. As an illustrator, I was way out of my league, as most in the group have made a living at it, some for decades. But it's always a great boost in creative energy.

After that, it was Cleveland Heights to check on a bathroom job, then to Eastlake to look at another bathroom job, this time for my brother. After that, it was a stop at his place in Perry, to chat about the job, and other odds and ends. I finally got home about 530

Breakfast – burrito
Lunch – big Mac and fries
Dinner – to plain pieces of stake
Snacks – peanut butter pretzels

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 180 : Friday

steps 9006
weight 195

Well it's been 6 months now since I started Diet 1, and I've lost about 15 lbs.
I go up and down nearly every day, but mostly down.
I'm working on the idea of starting a 1 day a week, fast, as I seem to be able to hold a certain weight within a pound or 2, but find it harder and harder to drop much without undue Diet 1 stress.
A 1 day fast, usually drops 2- 3 lbs, and for the 1 day it's tolerable. After that, I go back to my Diet 1 routine, which holds it at that level.

Breakfast – cereal and banana
Lunch – meatloaf sandwich
Dinner – plain meatloaf with some carrots
Snacks – ice cream, cheese

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 179 : Thursday

steps 9407
weight 194

194 lbs. today on the VA scales, and of course celebrated by eating too much.
Spent most of the day at Bernie's bike shop and pigged out on snacks.

I did get started on a new kids story, “Grandma's Magic Duck.” When an elderly lady lets out a loud fart, she explains to her granddaughter that it's an invisible dock, named Chuck, that follows her around.

Breakfast –
Lunch –
Dinner –
Snacks –

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 178 : Wednesday

steps 10394
weight 195

Seeing the scale drop 2 lbs a day is really nice. Now to keep it up!

Breakfast –
Lunch –
Dinner –
Snacks –

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 177 :Tuesday

steps 6071
weight 197

Back on the scales today and pleasantly surprised, as I only gained 2 lbs. over the weekend.
Now to get back on diet, one in crackdown.
Stopped in to chat with Bernie for a while, then spent the rest of the day in front of the computer, cleaning up old files and hard drives.

Breakfast –
Lunch –
Dinner –
Snacks – 2 bananas, 2 oranges, 3 carats, and a bowl of plain popcorn

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 176 : Monday

steps 6092
weight ?

It was a beautiful sunrise on the lake today, and we'll probably be heading back Conneaut around 11 AM.

I'd like to do a few more touristy things while we are out this way, but Gina will want to get back to her cats.

Today won't be much of a fast day, but probably half of the food intake of the last 2 days.

Breakfast – Keisha and a croissant
Lunch – cereal and banana
Dinner –
Snacks – cheese and popcorn

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 175 : Sunday

steps 10064
weight ?

I'm up at 4:30 and waiting for the sunrise. I really should be fasting today, but that will have to wait.

One thing I noticed yesterday, was that even natural sugar, like eating an apple, leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.

I also noticed that that I had almost no ringing in the ears. As with most things, I don't really take any time trying to the analyze it, just some days I notice it's there and some days not. This morning as I write this, yes, but I can't say how much, only that there is ringing in the ears. We did get a lot of walking in today :o)

Breakfast – eggs, meat,
Lunch – to much
Dinner – to much
Snacks – way to much

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!