Day 8: Thumbnail Reminder

Steps 7218

Just another Diet 1 reminder.
Yep, that's what you need today, and every other day. Something that is with you all the time and will show up, just as you reach for that triple thick shake, or super sized fries.

This is a very simple one, I mean 1.
Take a marker, like a Sharpie, and draw a big black 1 on your thumbnail. I said it was simple.
 No rubber bands around the fingers or special bracelets. Just a big black 1 on your thumbnail.

This is not quite as simple as it sounds, because you need to draw that 1 on the thumbnail of the hand that you use to grab things. Which of course means you have to draw that 1 with the hand that usually doesn't do anything. So it might take some practice to do a decent job of it, but don't do it to good.

You want it to stick out, not blend in with an immaculately manicured nail.
You could get artistic when painting your nails, with a hand painted 1.
The whole point here is to have something that pops into your field of view every time your reaching for food, snacks or even shopping for them. It may not stop you from stuffing your face full of whatever, but every little reminder, day by day, will keep the idea in your head. And over time, with a little reminder here and there, and you might start listening.

Also that odd little number 1 on your thumbnail will get the attention of people around you, giving you another chance to explain that you are, in fact, dieting and they should pay attention.
No more coming by your desk at the office with the morning doughnuts. Or snickering at lunch when you decide to get a salad.
Actually, nowadays with the baby boomer generation turning into gray-haired bloated couch potatoes, and their grandchildren battling an epidemic of obesity, there's not too many people snickering about diets anymore.
Remember, You are the 1. You need to take care of your health. It is your future.
You are doing this because some thing is not right, and hasn't been for a long time. And if other folks around you can't respect that, just give them a “Thumbs Down” and keep moving forward.

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