Day 228 : Thursday

steps 4494
weight 190

Started the day at the Emporeum, first time in months. First time down here in months :)
Still wasting the trip,except for some interesting dreams I don't write down,I haven't done shit!
An uninspiring trip so far.
Doesn't help that it 90+ in the shade...

Breakfast –
Lunch – banana and cereal
Dinner – 2 plain beef patties
Snacks – 2 ice cream, pretzels

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 227 : Wednesday

steps 5528
weight 190

it's cool here at 7 AM, 60°. My weights holding at 190 lbs., which is amazing as I'm just being a slug down here in Springfield. Mostly snacking and watching DVDs, or setting up crap on new phone. It's interesting how much useless stuff people do an effort to feel busy.

Breakfast – banana and cereal
Lunch – 4 plain beef patties
Dinner – big Mac and fries
Snacks – popcorn and soda

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 226 : Tuesday

steps 5812
weight 190

I fed the cats and was on the road by 7 AM. Fixed air conditioner at Frank's rental and onto Springfield. Got there at 1 PM.
Pissed the day away setting up new phone...

Breakfast –
Lunch – leftover chicken
Dinner – Ramen noodles
Snacks – ice cream, popcorn

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 225 : Monday

steps 5205

Woke up to a dead cell phone!!
Drove over to Mike and Liz's to borrow their phone just to let Gina know everything was okay.
Had breakfast with Mike in Tipp City before I left.
Then drove back up to Conneaut to get my spare phone, and grab a few more things for Springfield.
Stopped in Eastlake to fix a toilet for my brothers rental.

Breakfast – burrito
Lunch –
Dinner – salad
Snacks – pretzels, popcorn

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 224 : Sunday

steps 6846
weight 189

Relaxing at McDonald's at 6 AM for breakfast, still a bit burned out from the move.
I set up a new bed, and pretty much did zip....
90° outside!!

Breakfast – burrito
Lunch – 2 chicken legs
Dinner – more chicken
Snacks – too much ice cream, popcorn

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 223 : Saturday

steps 9574
weight 189

I got to Mike's house about 6:30 AM and we convoyed down to Springfield. Dropped off my stuff at that house, then over the Tipp City to unload all Mike and Liz's stuff at the new house.
Got to Mike's about 12:30, his sister and her kids showed up and we had it all unloaded by 3 PM. Things go really quickly when you got a lot of hands. Specially when they are under 30.
I drove back to Springfield, turned on the air conditioning and that was it for the day....

Breakfast –
Lunch – omelette
Dinner – sloppy Joe's
Snacks – pretzels, 3 bananas, frozen juice bars, 1 beer ( The only thing they had it wasn't diet, besides water)

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 222 : Friday

steps 16669
weight 189

I met Mike and Tim for breakfast at 8 AM. Had an omelette and home fries, then we spent the day loading a 26 foot U-Haul truck at Mike's. After that we drove out to my place to add some stuff I wanted to take Springfield.
We're done for the day about 530 and whipped. I took a shower, had some wine and did nothing.....

Breakfast – one half omelette and home fries
Lunch – 6” sub
Dinner – 2 small slices of pizza
Snacks – pretzels

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 221 : Thursday

steps 11732
weight 189
VA 189.8

Started my day at the biweekly VA M.O.V.E. session, then over to visit Bernie, and finally home to work on the house. 
 Mostly just getting ready for Mike and Liz's big move on Saturday.

Breakfast –
Lunch –
Dinner – 6” sub
Snacks –

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 220 : Wednesday

steps 4581
weight 189

I finished Jennie's in Cleveland, and got home in time to have dinner with the neighbors next door.
Very nice relaxing evening.

Breakfast – pretzels
Lunch – salad
Dinner – roast beef, salad, potatoes and gravy
Snacks – pretzels, ice cream, 2 freeze pops

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 219 : Tuesday

steps 5885
weight 192

I got the floor tiles in Jenny's bathroom, and rafters up for the deck roof at home.

Breakfast – pretzels
Lunch – salad
Dinner – hot dog and pretzels
Snacks – 2 freeze pops

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 218 : Monday

steps 4011
weight 193

Back to Jenny's in Cleveland today and got tile grouted.
Then home and got little work done on the framework for the roof on the deck.

Breakfast – pretzels
Lunch – salad
Dinner – 6” sub
Snacks – ice cream, pretzels

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 217 : Sunday

steps 8846
weight 193

My back is sore today, and still waking up tired. I finally got some work done around the house, and started getting the other deck ready for translucent roof.

About noon Gina and I went into Painesville to help Mike and Liz pack up more stuff for their move.

Breakfast – burrito
Lunch – cheeseburger and fries
Dinner –
Snacks – ice cream, pretzels, freeze pops

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 216 : Saturday

steps 10816
weight 193

Still can't stop snacking. Driving so boring. I have technique to stay awake! Writers group in Brecksville today, then home about 2:30 and got the backend at the Mirage soundproofed.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – chicken nuggets
Dinner – 3 Small slices of pizza
Snacks – cookies, pretzels, freeze pops

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 215 : Friday

steps 5447
weight ?

Way too many carbs yesterday. Feeling listless and bogged down this morning. Don't even feel like writing! I finished installing the shower tile in Cleveland.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – salad
Dinner –
Snacks – pretzels, ice cream

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 214 : Thursday

steps 3658
weight 194

I'm losing interest again. Too much work, and I'm drifting mentally. Losing interest in a lot of stuff. Too much mindless driving, commuting back and forth to Cleveland.
I did get the new kids book catalog done, then, was to burned-out to show it to anyone.

Breakfast – tortilla with veggies
Lunch – chicken salad sandwich
Dinner – Turkey and salad
Snacks – pretzels, cookies, 2 doughnuts

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 213 : Wednesday

steps 5483
weight 193

Still out of control, fishing jobs, I don't want to do. I'd rather be sitting on my ass all day writing. I always tend to eat more when frustrated, probably a lot of people do.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – chicken salad
Dinner – Mexican
Snacks – pretzels, cookies, freeze pops
Gina made cookies for project she's working on today!!

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 212 : Tuesday

steps 5416
weight 191

Still holding at 191 lbs, gonna have to put my foot down on this weight plateau. I'm letting it slide again. I'm letting work interfere with my writing mood, and that is causing a listless, who cares attitude, that always means more food and less energy.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – salad with sour cream
Dinner – egg-salad sandwich
Snacks – pretzels, chicken salad sandwich, freeze pops

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 211 : Monday

steps 8081
weight 191

Yah, all that sitting & driving, and extra food got a couple more pounds back on, but today they come off again.
This 190 lb. block is interesting, but annoying.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch –
Dinner – 2 chicken salad sandwiches
Snacks – ice cream, freeze pops

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 210 : Sunday

steps 4027
weight 189

Gina and I headed down Rt. 322 in Pennsylvania for another cruise in the country. It's going to be another hot one.
Had a great time, though I ate a bit too much, but hey, it was a fun day on the road. Started with breakfast at the Flip Cafe in Edinburgh, PA, then worked our way to the town yard sale in Rockton, and finally home. 310 miles round-trip.

Breakfast – 1/2 breakfast burrito, home fries
Lunch – 2 plain hamburgers
Dinner – homemade soup
Snacks – pretzels, popcorn, 2nd half of the burrito

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 209 : Saturday

steps 7409
weight 189

Well, I'm below 190 again, and for the last time? Now to try and make it down to 180 by August.
Had breakfast with the guys in Painesville, then spent today, helping Mike pack up trailer with another load of stuff to his Tipp City house.

Breakfast – 1 egg, 1 sausage patty, 1 pancake
Lunch – 2 doughnuts
Dinner – quesadilla and fruit
Snacks – cheese, small ice cream

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 208 : Friday

steps 6143
weight 190

I'm starting a busy weekend with the news that another nice person I know has died, Dot, Pete's wife in Redmond, Washington.
I'm sticking to just breakfast and dinner's only in an effort to break below 190.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch –
Dinner – salad
Snacks –

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 207 : Thursday

steps 7621
weight 190

Dropped 4 lbs. yesterday, now, to try and hold it at 190, then push it down into the 180s

Breakfast – banana
Lunch –
Dinner – roast beef
Snacks – cheese, leftover taters

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 206 : Wednesday

steps 6759
weight 194

I squeaked down another pound today. I finally mustered some self-control on the snack front, also lots of aerobics, sanding and painting a room. Also got some walking in, something I haven't done much with since I started remodeling the 2 bathrooms.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch –
Dinner – roast beef
Snacks – half an apple

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 205 : Tuesday

steps 4159
weight 195

I'm still slacking on Diet 1, losing focus. This is summer and activity time and should be the best time to drop pounds, but I just keep snacking too much.

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – 4 mini burgers
Dinner – chef salad, no dressing
Snacks – banana, orange, pretzels, small cinnamon roll

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 204 : Monday

steps 11877
weight 195

My lower back is really sore today, and the cats Me up just after 4 AM!!

A great day!! We went to Edinboro, PA for breakfast, and tried a new diner. Then had a fun time wandering around the town, meeting new people, and even got some nice photos down by the river.

Took a nap when we got home, then cut the grass, our new neighbors lawn to.

At 4 PM we went to the grand opening of the D-Day Museum in Conneaut Harbor.
Then home for grilled steaks and steamed carrots.

Breakfast – Burrito
Lunch –
Dinner – steak and carrots
Snacks –

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 203 : Sunday

steps 5412
weight 195

I was up early today and got some writing done. Now it's off to Frank's rental at 7:30.
I redid plumbing for the sink, than got shower walls in place, and pigged out on snacks.
I was dead tired by the time I got home at 5.

Breakfast – Burrito
Lunch – chips
Dinner – quesadilla and chips
Snacks – pretzels

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 202 : Saturday

steps 6995
weight 195

I'm letting work over shadow life, losing interest in Died 1, journals, and writing.
I'm only good for about 4 or 5 hours a day of real manual labor, specially when it's hot!
But I can't relax because I really want to finish these jobs and be done with them.

Breakfast – Burrito
Lunch –
Dinner –
Snacks – pretzels

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

Day 201 : Friday

steps 6127
weight 195

The cats got me up early and I'm really not in the mood for much.

Work, it's tiring!

I found my pedometer on my other pants today to.

Breakfast – Burrito
Lunch – egg muffin
Dinner – big Mac and fries
Snacks – ice cream

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!