Day 15 : Triggers

Steps 10890
Water 6

Yes, Triggers. What makes you want to eat? What causes you to reached for the bag of chips, candy bar or hot dog?

So far, we've been focusing on what to do when you're eating to cut down on food intake, while enjoying it more. But how do you stay away from the stuff altogether. Well, basically, you can't. You got to eat.
But if you pay attention to the Triggers that give you the idea to eat, you can sidestep some of the problem.

For me, a big one is TV, and I suspect it is a major eating Trigger for a lot of people.
First off, you are doing nothing. You're just sitting there like a slug. The term “Couch Potato” is just one of many descriptive terms that have come into the English language since the invention of television.
While you're sitting there doing nothing, all your mind has to focus on is what's on that screen. And if you pay attention, you'll see what's on that screen is a lot of food.

Number 1 on the list is commercials. Not just the obvious promotions for every restaurant chain or food product that can afford the ad rates, but look at the secondary ads for diets, pills, potions and all that other stuff dealing with food. Even cleaning products. What are they cleaning up. Food!
Food spills, Food dishes, kids covered in Food, Food, Food, Food!

And since you got a couple minutes to kill until your favorite program comes back on, it's a quick trip to the fridge, because you are suddenly hungry.

Gina and I have neatly eliminated this Trigger many years ago by not having commercial TV. Yes, we don't have cable or a dish. Nowadays, it's almost UN-American. We only watch DVD's of programs and movies we like, but that doesn't mean were safe from food Triggers. No, if you pay attention, you'll see your favorite shows loaded with them. People eating, drinking, cooking and even selling food. You'll even see people eating while watch TV. How weird is that.
Just how do you handle all this?
Well, just like eating, you can cut back. Don't run the TV 24/7 like many people do. They tell me they like something playing in the background as they work around the house.

To me it's just self-imposed brainwashing.
If you need noise in the background, put on some music.
But just like any other Triggers in life, first you learn to spot them, then you learn to deal with them. This starts at the store of course. The less snack food you bring home, the less you can eat when the Triggers tell you that you're hungry.

Next, have healthier snacks. We use popcorn most of the time. No butter, salt, or cheese. Just plain popcorn. No matter what you grab, remember our rule of 1.

1 peace, 1 bite, 1 serving, etc. Don't bring a jumbo bag of anything to the couch!


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