Day 14 : Celebration Time

Steps 10388
Water 8

Wahoo!! We're two weeks into the Diet 1, and I'm still writing and you're still reading. We've got three new life Style habits slowly starting to take hold. Hell, If you're reading this, you're still breathing, and that is always something to be happy about.

There's an old saying...
"Someday we're all going to die."
"But every other day we're not."
 Think about it.

Anyway we got a pedometer and we're keeping track of every step, every day. I've popped the 10000 mark 2 days in a row. I haven't walked this much since Tasmania last March, when we had to walk a mile or so everyday to get Wi-Fi.

Yesterday, we just started counting water glasses. I managed 8.
I usually don't drink that much water on the hottest summer days.
Amazingly, the water shows the quickest improvement.
Just one day and I feel a noticeable drop in joint pain.

Finally our main habit, 1 that over the coming year and the rest of our lives, will slowly get the weight off, and keep it off.
Yes, that big black 1 on your thumbnail, that 1 popping up on your cell phone all the time, are reminders to eat small and eat slow.

In a few months these habits will become automatic. You'll take 1 small bite at a time, always setting the fork down as you chew.
You'll wash it down with a sip of water instead of gulping a big  super sized soft drink.
You'll take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park a few spaces farther from the store.

Whatever you do, you'll notice that life is slowing down a bit. It may be a bit less stressed. You'll weigh less. Maybe even have less pain.
You may even notice that face in the mirror looking back at you, is a bit different. A bit less puffy. Maybe a little bit more color. Maybe just a little something in the eyes. An energy that you haven't seen in years. Yes maybe even a smile :o)

BTW. This is my first blog post done completely on my cell phone.


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