Day 327 : Friday

Countdown Day 42

steps 4719
weight 186

Breakfast – sausage and egg
Lunch – 2 bowls of noodles
Dinner –
Snacks – ice cream, cookies, one half apple

Up at 3 am. Pippi got me up and I was still aggravated about yesterday, so I was up for the day.

I picked up another pound yesterday, not good. I've been using Gina's problems and other things, as an excuse to ignore Diet 1. Luckily, after almost 11 months, many parts of Diet 1 are habit, including, thinking about it. So even when I'm out of control on the food front, there are still some things holding the line, at least a little bit.

Most of the problem is just procrastination, putting it all off to the last second. I'm now to the point that I have to lose 3 pounds a week, right up to the end, to hit my 170 pound mark. Ignore the fact that if I'd done that, at beginning, Diet 1 would have hit its goal in 3 months instead of 12.
But I have to remind myself that the long stretch was to the change behavior, not just chop a lot of weight. Any crash diet could drop 30 pounds in a few months, or even a few weeks, but they would not change the habits that put that extra weight on, and will allow it to come back.

Following Diet 1 for a year, makes many of it's diet rules part of your life.

I spent most of today working under the deck, removing sheeting and Styrofoam installation, so I can install hot water lines to heat the floor. I need to get it done before the weather really turns to shit.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

42 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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