Day 321 : Saturday

Countdown Day 48

steps 3834
weight 184

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – hamburger with bun
Dinner –
Snacks – pretzels, almonds, cookies

Up at 4 am. Gina couldn't sleep and cats got me up. There are many times, like right now, I reminisce about being single.

Yesterdays snacking only took my way up a pound, probably because of the work at Bernie's. Lots of up-and-down ladders and in and out of the camper.

Bernie got a new jar of peanut butter pretzels and I'm lucky I held on to a stable weight. All that saved Diet 1 was the constant running between shop and camper.

Also Gina made peanut butter cookies in the evening, but I did manage to hold it down to 3 so far. I'm barely holding below 185 on the scale every morning, but I am.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

48 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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