Day 16 : The 1 Bite Meal

Steps 7761
Water  7 glasses

OK! OK! I'm eating 1 damn bite at time, and now you want me to eat a whole meal of only 1 bite?
Not quite, but close. This is an exercise in taste, time and temptation.
Try this at the next big meal function you attend, like Christmas, Easter, or even the local Chinese buffet. ( one of my old favorites).

Go around the table and put 1 bite of each food item on your plate. That's 1 bite, not 1 scoop or 1 slice. Use a teaspoon if you have to. And spread them out on the plate so it looks kind of decorative. Let folks think you're a connoisseur. Think about those $100 a plate meals you see in the movies, with lots of empty plate, surrounding some interesting blob of food.

Now when you start eating, as you try and explain to the everyone questioning your minimal food choices, pop 1 of those bites at a time in your mouth. Set your fork down and chew slowly. Real slowly.
Really focus on whatever you're eating, just like the 1 bite, 1 minute exercise in Day 3.
Stretch that 1 bite out as long as you can. Even after you swallow, savor the residual flavors for a bit, before rinsing it down with some water.

Try to get some talking done between bites, and spend some time just looking around the table, watching other folks eat. Try to visualize how many extra calories they're taking in. How much extra fat and sugar. Watch how the skinny people eat.

The challenges is to empty your plate just as slowly as everybody else.
When you are done with that first plate, don't refill it. Sit back, enjoy the company, the conversations, and that comfortable un-stuffed feeling

Now I'm not saying this is the way you need to eat all the time, it's just an exercise. You can repeat it any time you like. You can very the amounts, taking more bites of items you like, and none of less tasty things. The point as always is to thing about what and how you eat, over time changing the habits that turned you into a couch potato.


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