Day 42 : Back to Work

steps 6751
water 6
weight 195

Yep! It's Sunday and time to get back to work. Diet 1 work.
The holiday crush is over, along with the parties and you got a couple days to regroup before New Year's.
This is a perfect time to hit Diet 1. For at least this 1 day, we're going to follow all our Diet 1 rules.
For me, it helps that the scale dropped back to 195 this morning, a low I haven't seen in a couple days.
First off, list your daily Diet 1 goals, putting them on paper again helps to keep focused.
Mine are.
1 cup of coffee.
5000 steps, minimum.
6 - 4 ounce glasses of water minimum.
195 pounds or less.
non sugar drinks, I'm drinking broth.
1 small bite at a time.
1 small plate at meals, and put the fork down between bites.
Keep it simple and easy and you will have a much better chance of success.

As you focus on your list, it also helps to make better choices. Less bread, more veggies and fruit. Less or no dressing on your salads, no sauces or coatings on your meat.
Learn to enjoy the flavor of simple foods.
So let's get to it, our Diet 1 challenge for just this one day.
You can do it, Really !!

1 bite, water and exercise. 1 day at a time !


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