Day 144 : Thursday

steps 7127
weight 197

Going back up. Just been losing my drive lately. I've really been in a, “Who gives a shit mood”, the last few weeks, with only a couple inspired moments popping in.

Day 144

GROSS, a good metaphor for how I'm doing lately. 144 days, 12 dozen, 1 gross.
That's how I used to count T-shirt sales at fairs, and that was a personal record I set, in August of 1982 at the West Virginia State fair. Working alone, I hand painted 144 shirts in 1 day. $1500 is not bad for 1 days work for an artist.

I know there's lots of famous artists who get that much for one “print”, but on that day, like hundreds of days over a 20 year span, I did something they couldn't.
I made 144 individual people happy.

144 people went home that day, not just with a piece of artwork, but 1 they commissioned and had painted just for them. Yes, in just that 1 day, I did more commissions than many artists do in a decade.

I didn't get rich painting T-shirts, but I had fun doing something I liked, and made a lot of people happy.

Maybe it's time I do that again!

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

1 comment:

  1. C'mon, you spent 50 + years getting into the shape you're in, it's g'gonna take more than a hundred+ days to alter that shape. Plus your metabolism is slowing down the older you get. Weight Watchers have a pretty good program, 'gotta social element too. They want you to buy their meals, but you 'gotta buy food anyway, give it a look.As for airbrush, I could never understand why you completely walked on the air brush business anyway. Go for it!
