Day 37 : Fighting Fat

steps 7256
water 5
weight 196

Swimming upstream against a current of lard, that's what it's like as you gain weight.
With many things in life, it is a slow, almost unnoticed process, starting at a very young age and continuing until 1 day you look in the mirror and finally say “I'm fat”.

Of course you've been that way for years, ignoring 1 warning after another. Making excuses when cloths get to tight, or taking the least strenuous jobs at work.

But where do you draw the line? Is it when you give of bikinis, or when you stop going to the beach altogether?
When you notice that you are the only person sitting, or as you catch your breath halfway up the stairs you once took 2 at a time.

Maybe, like me, you are just tired of looking at the growing list of things in life you can no longer do, and you are terrified that your last years on this planet will be spent in the chair, watching everyone around you enjoy what you can't anymore.

Maybe you are already stuck in that chair, and maybe you believe it's just too late.
But is it?

What would happen if you put that forth down?
Where would you go if walking didn't hurt?
Would you run?
What would you do with your hands if they were not wasted on holding you up?

This is where you draw the line. When you can think of just 1 thing FAT is keeping you from doing.

One thing in your future, waiting for you to put down the fork....


1 comment:

  1. I'm about 20% lard, the last time I did the estimation! Yechhh! I need to eat less and play more.
