Day 276 : Wednesday

Countdown Day 94
steps 7736
weight 192

Breakfast – chips and salsa
Lunch – 3 pieces of banana bread
Dinner – large salad and peanut butter on bread
Snacks – cheese, popcorn

Up at 3:30 AM. Finally!! I got my TO DO list up on the wall. Probably too old school for younger folks, but I still like something physical to markup and look at.
At a glance, right over my desk, I can now see weeks of projects and progress. A quick jot with a marker and done. No scanning back and forth through digital windows that are too small to read anyway.

Not to actually use it!!

Still not putting my foot down on Diet 1, 60 years of habit are really a bitch to break.
Probably my biggest problem is an attitude to life that has served me very well over the years, but sometimes, like now, gets in the way.

No sweat!

Yes, with very few exceptions, I never get too excited or worried about anything. It's just a simple idea that things will work out okay, and getting into a rush or stressing out, doesn't do much besides adding stress, and wasting time.

Well, here's where that attitude is a big roadblock.
As my Diet 1 deadline looms closer, that “no worries” attitude strolls in with a sandwich or snack, saying “no rush, we can do it tomorrow.”

Of course, tomorrow is coming up fast and at some point it will hit the “we'll never make it” stage.
So I need to really focus, and push past that “let it ride attitude”, and constantly keep an eye on that “1” pasted on my thumbnail.

I've got 93 days to drop 20+ lbs. Easy enough, if I follow all my Diet 1 rules!!
93 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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