Day 50 : Walkin

steps 3856
water 6
weight 194

Since it's 20 degrees outside, that's Fahrenheit, and here in Northeast Ohio we've got some snow, I'll mention going for a walk.
You folks in warmer climes don't know what you're missing. LOL

This of course is the time of year when couch potatoes tend to take root, and why us folks trying to lose weight, need to make an extra effort to get some walking in everyday.

Just watch your step out there. Snow is nice because it adds some cushioning effect and softens the strain on your feet and joints caused by cement, but roads and walkways are mostly packed snow and ice.
Like I mentioned in Day 21, walking on the grass when possible is much safer, and more comfortable. 
 This is only good when the snow is less than about 6 inches, over that it becomes a workout, and you'll start thinking about walking at the mall. Boring, but much safer in bad weather.

This is why you want to keep off sidewalks.
They make interesting patterns, but footprints are all miniature skating rinks, just waiting for you to plop your foot down and zing, you are flat on your back, and hoping you can get up again.

If you do remain upright, the constant strain on joints and muscles in an effort to keep moving forward will send you slipping and sliding back to the couch.

Our goal here is to keep moving during the winter, even if it means walking in the mall, or a treadmill at the gym.
And try to avoid the temptation of hot chocolate!

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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