Day 72 : Tuesday

steps 898
water 4

We loaded up 20 collectible racing bikes in Clearwater, Florida, and were out of town just ahead of rush hour. Today was the lowest step count since I started Diet 1. You just don't get much exercise sitting behind the wheel. It rained through most of Georgia and we broke down, just north of Atlanta. I did get a little bit of walking done around the motel, in the rain.

While driving I did come up with another “slow down” trick for eating snacks, the 2 finger rule. It's very simple, just use 2 fingers when eating snacks like popcorn, peanuts and other food you are used to eating by the handful. Yeah, I know, it sounds stupid and of course it's not some high powered diet- hype, but think about it.
You sit there with that bowl of popcorn and it's bad enough that it's soaked in butter and salt and whatever else you add to it, but then you grab as much with one hand as you can get, usually dropping some in your lap. In no time you're out of popcorn and looking for a refill.

Now try slowing down a bit, pick 1 or 2 kernels at a time, munch on them a little bit slower, maybe even thinking about how it tastes tastes, and the next thing you know, the show is over and you're not really hungry for more. You may even quit before the bowl is empty.

So yes, Diet 1 doesn't sound trendy, and it's slow, and boring. But were doing this for a whole year. But when that year is over, you might notice that you can actually see your feet without bending forward, and you just might smile. But what you won't notice is that you are on a diet. All those simple little things you've been doing for the last 12 months, are now habit. You don't get up in the morning thinking “another day on Diet 1, it's just things you do now as you enjoy your day..

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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