Day 300 : Saturday

Countdown Day 69

steps 7340
weight ?

Breakfast – banana
Lunch – bacon cheese rolls
Dinner –
Snacks – pretzels, watermelon, ice cream

Yep, it's day 300 on Diet 1

Up at 3:30 AM, made coffee, fed cats, and were out the door before 4.
Sorry, but I forgot to hit the scales this morning.

We missed an exit in Youngstown, and took a more scenic route to Beaver. Of course, in the dark, there isn't much scenery. We got there about 5:45 and were the 1st ones on the scene, so we relaxed and waited for the promoters to come in and open up.

There was a screw up on registrations at the last minute, and I got stuck outside the tent. Traffic sucked, but I was in the fresh air under a tree, and did get in a nice nap about noon.

I did sell some books, had some nice chats with the locals, at 4 we packed up and headed home. I would've liked to stay for the dinner party afterward, but Gina wasn't feeling well and wanted to get home. I don't think she's much of a show person.

We stopped for ice cream on the way back, as her knee was bothering her quite a bit, and finished the last 20 miles driving through a thunderstorm. Luckily it eased up a bit by the time we got in the driveway. By then the sugar from the ice cream, the heat of the day, and the lack of sleep the night before, took over and I pretty much slept till morning, only getting up once to go from the couch to the bed.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

69 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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