Day 314 : Saturday

Countdown Day 55

steps 7343
weight 185

Breakfast –
Lunch – 4 slices of pizza
Dinner – stir fry
Snacks – 2 slices of pizza, pretzels, peanut butter, nuts

Up at 5:30 AM. Gina was up to with her knee causing too much pain to sleep.

My weight is bouncing around 185, up and down and up. I was bothered about it at first, but then I remembered going through this same thing at 190, 195 and 200.

Mentally, I seem to focus on those 5 pound marks and get a bit frustrated when I stall out a bit. Then I finally get past them for good and move down to the next. By my next weigh-in at VA, I'll be passed the 185 mark and fussing about the180 pound mark on my scale. But I'll still be looking back at 20+ pounds gone forever, and that's something to smile about.

Off to my brother Frank's to help him re-roof his garage today. With 6 of us working it went fast, and by 2 PM we were rolling out the base layer for the new roof. If he'd done the self stick roofing 7 years ago, instead of sculptured shingles, we wouldn't be doing a new roof now. Like many people, the last time he was more concerned with looks than use.

Anyway, I got lots of much-needed exercise and was feeling it by the end of the day.
I almost completely forgot about Died 1, although the thoughts did pop in at different points.

Can our hero, hit that 170 pound mark?

Stay tuned for more adventures of Fat Boy!

55 days

1 bite at a time, and 1 day at a time!

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